The new supper club you need to know about

Calling all roast lovers! There’s a new supper club that’s offering relaxed home-cooked Sunday lunches once a month.

It seems like every other restaurant plays host to a supper club these days, but Hove-based friends Lauren and Ben are bringing back the OG home-dining vibes with new venture The Sunday Joint. Celebrating community and the leisurely Sunday lunch in Lauren’s home, there’s no table turning or sneaky add-ons if you fancy a bit more gravy here.

The name pays tribute to a restaurant Lauren’s mum used to run – a love of making good food for good people runs in the family. And Lauren’s got pedigree herself: she’s always been a passionate cook and host and trained at Ireland’s Ballymaloe Cookery School, working as a private chef alongside her career building food brands like Higgidy.

“My friend Ben [who’s helping with hosting] and I are passionate about creating a relaxing, restorative and generous Sunday afternoon experience. It’s about bringing people together for great conversation over wonderful, wholesome food,” she said.

sunday joint roast brighton

The culinary magic takes place in Lauren’s light-filled open-plan home kitchen that opens out into her garden – perfect for enjoying a welcome aperitif that Lauren will probably have created from foraging and fermenting local goodies. We went to the very first one and it’s safe to say we were pretty blown away… how many Sunday lunches kick off with a crisp home-made elderflower champagne?

So, what’s included? For £25, you’ll get an aperitif (this month it’s a beautifully bottled home-made nettle beer), nibbles, a mouth-watering seasonal Sunday lunch with all the trimmings (from full-on roasts to more summery variations), followed by homemade pudding and a cheeseboard – served sharing-style so you can help yourself to as much as you fancy. And a very warm welcome, obviously. We reckon this is a mighty good deal, especially when you compare it to the costs of other roasts around town.

Dietary restrictions can also be catered for (we tucked into an excellent beetroot tarte tatin on our visit). There’s zero chance of an uninspired second-best option (there’s no “not ANOTHER mushroom risotto?!” sigh here) – you’ll still get a centrepiece home-cooked dinner.

It’s a pleasingly intimate affair, too: the dining table seats eight people and you can turn up on your own (which we did), bring a friend or book the lot.

It’s BYOB (no corkage charge) and there are no time slots, either – you won’t be ushered off the premises straight after eating; in fact, you’re welcome to enjoy a post-prandial chill and chat.

So, if you’re tired of restaurant roasts and fancy getting out for an infinitely more relaxed top-notch home-cooked dinner, don’t miss out – the next event is on Sunday 30th June.

Sunday 30th June; from 1pm; £27.80
Central Hove (full address revealed on booking)

Book here