Got something you want to get off your chest? Then drop us a line… Our ears are always open!
Prefer writing to us the old-fashioned way? We love a bit of snail mail (as long as it’s not a bill, of course, that’s not so much fun). Our office address is:
Comarketing, West, 2–5 Rock Place, Brighton BN2 1PF
Thinking about working with us?
We’ve championed independent businesses since we first started and that remains at the heart of what we do, so you’re in the right place. We curate the best of Brighton life for our audience, so that means we cover pretty much everything!
It also means we can get your brand or business in front of our readers through all kinds of content, from competitions and social media posts to newsletters and bespoke partnerships, all created in house by the BOTI team.
Want to find out more? Drop us a line at and we’d be delighted to send you over our media pack and have a chat about how we can help you.