Run 5.30 is back with early morning 5k

There’s something rather wonderful about being out and about in the city before the streets start filling with noise and people. You get a completely different perspective. So we love the idea of Run 5.30, which gets people up and running (or walking!) before work – you guessed it, at 5.30am – while most of the population are still slumbering in their beds.

The event was originally set up by nutritionist Sabrina Severi and designer and early-morning runner Sergio Bezzanti in their native Italy 11 years ago before expanding across Europe. They wanted to promote a positive lifestyle centred on daily physical activity and healthy eating, proving it’s easy to fit exercise into busy lives, simply by waking up a bit earlier. Now, they’re celebrating 11 years of the event and Brighton is the last stop on their Run 5.30 tour.

The entry fee includes a T-shirt and a fresh fruit breakfast, too. Anything to help lure us out from under the covers!

The 5.3k closed-road course starts from New Road, crosses the Lanes, goes down the seafront and then returns for a glorious finish in the Pavilion gardens. And then there’s that breakfast… not forgetting the satisfaction of knowing you’ve smashed your day’s exercise before most people have even woken up. So who’s with us?

Friday 12th July; 5.30am (but arrive at 5.00am!); £20 plus admin fee
Outside Theatre Royal, New Road, Brighton BN1 1BN