Need to send some last-minute Christmas cards (no, you haven’t missed the last posting days yet*)? Then check out our favourites from these local card-markers…

For the (wannabe) gardeners
These plantable wildflower Christmas cards by Brighton-based Loop Loop are brilliant for the planet and for you. They’re made from recycled material and embedded with seeds so when your recipient has finished enjoying the cute designs, they can simply pop them in a pot or the ground and enjoy seeing them flower in spring.
From £4 a card

For the pun lovers
We’re sure it will come as no surprise whatsoever that these Hello Dodo beauties are some of our cards of choice this and every year. What isn’t made better by a good pun, right? Add a dinosaur into the mix and we’re doubly sold.
£12.50 for a pack of six

For the Brighton lovers
We’re big fans of illustrator Lisa Holdcroft’s depictions of our beloved home town. Known for her cartoon crowd scenes set against a backdrop of recognisable locations, her snowy Christmas designs are just as joyful.
From £2.95

For the naughty but nice
Like your puns a little on the rude side with a side of silliness, just like us? Then you need one of Stoats & Weasels’ playful designs.
From £2.85
*Need those last posting dates? Royal Mail advise getting your cards in the post by Monday, 18th December if you’re sending them second class and by Wednesday, 20th December if your cards are winging their way first class. Missed them both? There’s still Special Delivery Guaranteed, which you can send off on 21st and 22nd December for a bit extra.