You might remember the fantastic immersive cocktails on the (digital) beach a few years back that transported us to another world. Or maybe you recall taking Tea with Baba or the Memory Bar, multimedia artist Thomas Buckley‘s last story-based cocktail masterclass meets art installation, which translated older people’s memories into elaborate cocktails and immersive moments. Whether you do or not, you’re in for a treat as the Society of Cocktails is back with another mesmerising pop-up.
In the intriguing-sounding ‘A Drink with Mother’, mum is that age-old entity, a fungus, and you’ll get to ‘meet’ them as you embark on a tasting course of four cocktails, from a Shiitake-based reinvented classic to comforting chamomile infusions. It’s an interesting – and very of the moment – collaboration as it’s been designed with Chat GPT, with AI voicing Mother.
As ever, this experience is no simple cocktail tasting, the story and exploration of the humanity within technology are just as important as the experimental (but always delicious) drinks, themselves a journey into fermentation and unusual technologies.
For a completely unique – and tasty – kind of night out, we would highly recommend going to meet Mother. Just don’t keep them waiting.
Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd June; various times; £30
Rybka basement, 41 Meeting House Lane, Brighton BN1 1HB
Book tickets