American breakfast cereals look so much more FUN than their UK counterparts, don’t they? We’ve always been entranced by their bright colours and crazy combinations (Peanut Butter Chocolate Blasted Shreds, Cap’n Crunch’s Halloween crunch – ghosts turn the milk green!). So, needless to say, we’re super-excited that two Brighton friends have teamed up to open a cereal cafe on Trafalgar Street, bringing the city a wide range of unusual cereals from all over the world, as well as a bounty of crazy combos created in house. We’re not kids any more, so we reckon we can moderate our sugar intake sensibly, right? Right?
We spoke to the owners, Oskar (27, pictured left), who has worked in various catering positions for much of his life, and Konstantin (22, right), who’s in his final year of university. “We’re two young local guys trying to do something different,” says Oskar.
We like different and we really like this. Opening on 1 June in the basement of Café Trafé (Amsy, the owner, pictured above, makes a mean coffee), they’ll also be offering an enormous variety of wild toppings (think everything from Kinder Bueno to Skittles) to smother your breakfast in before you douse that sugary goodness in any one of their 12 varieties of milk. With healthier milks like almond and hemp on offer, as well as dairy, we’ll be pretending they cancel out the sugar. Sweet. Need something to wash it all down? How about one of an incredible array of flavoured milks – like marshmallow and custard, to name a few. Or just dive into their panoply of pop tarts and lucky charms donuts. Willie Wonka himself would be jealous of all these sweet sensations. You can, of course, opt for a simple bowl of cornflakes, too. But that really would be crazy.
In keeping with Brighton’s strong creative scene, the cafe’s quirky interior takes inspiration from cartoons and comic books and will also feature cereal-themed doodles and artwork, by both the owners and the customers. Thanks to the pads and pens (and cups of lego) provided on the tables, you’ll have a creative outlet for your sugar high. There’s even a pinboard area if you’re feeling particularly proud of your masterpiece. And for the pro artists out there, they’re actively looking for cereal-based artwork, so if that’s you, get in touch!
Oskar and Konstantin are also keen to emphasise that the Brighton Cereal Café is a very different beast to London’s Cereal Killer Café, the much-derided hipster haunt that opened four years ago. “The Brighton Cereal Café will have a much more relaxed, living room-style vibe,” says Oskar. (It’s also worth noting that neither he nor Konstantin possess that hipster prerequisite – the beard/topknot combo.)
If you needed any more incentives to get yourselves down there, then try this: on the opening day, there are bowls of free cereal on offer to the first 100 people through the door who follow them on social – you’ll need to prove it, though, so get following.
From £1.50 for a bowl of cereal and from 50p for a topping
Open every day from 1 June 2018, 10.00am – 7.00pm
Downstairs at Café Trafé, 38 Trafalgar Street, Brighton BN1 4ED
Brighton Cereal Café