BOTI Reviews: Medico


As the name Medico might suggest, this show revolves around life as a doctor. Specifically that of Stefania Licari, an Italian NHS doctor with 15 years’ practice under her belt.

Licari, who has won eight awards for her mini web sitcom, My Doctor’s Advice, has been pursuing acting and comedy for over 10 years. However, it was the pandemic that made her realise the significance of comedy as she started writing jokes to distract herself from the difficulties of working as a doctor during the pandemic. “No matter what tragedies strike us, you can always find a moment of lightness to help you cope,” she said in the brief interaction we had with her prior to the show.

Licari is adept at engaging her audience and the laughter starts almost immediately. Heavily influenced by her own experience as an immigrant female doctor in the UK, she has put together a performance in Medico that is interspersed with elements of politics and culture. 

The show offers a humorous take on what happens behind closed doors in a hospital while also giving an insightful look into the lives and emotions of the doctors working there. Licari weaves moments of dark humour with theatrics, a dash of music and some wonderful singing, skilfully taking the audience on a captivating journey of laughter and food for thought. Her on-stage energy and joy are contagious and the audience’s gleeful laughter rings around the room.

Of course, the world of medicine and the show’s darkly humorous take on this are never going to be for everyone. But if you’ve got a doctor, nurse or other health professional in your life who needs some appreciation, we’d prescribe taking them along to Licari’s Medico for a hefty dose of laughter.

This is an updated review of Licari’s 2023 production, but she’s back with the follow-up – Trust Me, I’m a Comedian – for 2024.

Wednesday 15th – Friday 17th and Monday 25th May, 2024
Various venues and times; £5

Book tickets

Photo credit: Boris Mitkov

Tags: comedy