book now: the big push


You’ve (almost) definitely seen and heard them busking on Brighton’s streets and you might have caught them at The Great Escape or Paddle Round The Pier, but now Brighton-based BOTI favourites The Big Push are bringing all their lyrical energy to an autumn gig at The Haunt.

The incredibly catchy ‘It’s Alright‘ has been doing the rounds for a while now, but here it is in case you haven’t yet heard it in all its glory…

Book early to see these super-talented guys (Ren, Gorran Kendall and Romain Axisa) plus some undisclosed special guests (Sam Tompkins?) in a small venue while you still can. We’re expecting a ticket rampage, so get in there quickly as the pre-booking early birds sold out as quickly as their songs will implant themselves in your brains. Official booking opens on Monday 12th August, go go go!

Friday 4th October, 7.30pm; £8 (including booking fee)
The Haunt, 10 Pool Valley Coach Station, BN1 1NJ Brighton
Get tickets (enter the code ‘BIGPUSH’ for access)


Tags: gigmusicThe Big Pushthe haunt