You’ve (almost) definitely seen and heard them busking on Brighton’s streets and you might have caught them at The Great Escape or Paddle Round The Pier, but now Brighton-based BOTI favourites The Big Push are bringing all their lyrical energy to an autumn gig at The Haunt.
The incredibly catchy ‘It’s Alright‘ has been doing the rounds for a while now, but here it is in case you haven’t yet heard it in all its glory…
Book early to see these super-talented guys (Ren, Gorran Kendall and Romain Axisa) plus some undisclosed special guests (Sam Tompkins?) in a small venue while you still can. We’re expecting a ticket rampage, so get in there quickly as the pre-booking early birds sold out as quickly as their songs will implant themselves in your brains. Official booking opens on Monday 12th August, go go go!
Friday 4th October, 7.30pm; £8 (including booking fee)
The Haunt, 10 Pool Valley Coach Station, BN1 1NJ Brighton
Get tickets (enter the code ‘BIGPUSH’ for access)