We’re a stressed bunch in this city. Even more so than we thought as it happens. Brighton recently had the dubious honour of scooping eighth position in the top ten most work-stressed cities in the UK, so we reckon we’re in need of a time out. We’re not sure what changed since 2017 when we were one of the least-stressed places. Hmm.
Perhaps the latest stats aren’t really that surprising, though. We commute long distances and march to the beat of our incessantly buzzing mobile devices, rarely switching off. And, come lunchtime, we know we’re super-guilty of grabbing a quick sandwich and continuing to one-hand-type as we scoff. Disgusting and very bad for our mental and physical health, we know.
But the lovely people behind Hove’s Float Spa are coming to the rescue of stressed people everywhere (well, at least the ones in our city who haven’t commuted the other way): they’re holding a free session of gentle yoga and meditation in the beautiful Royal Pavilion Gardens on Thursday 6th September (weather-depending) to lure people out from behind their desks and provide some much-needed relaxation and perspective.
Mats are provided, so all you need to do is turn up. You don’t even need to get changed, office gear is welcome. We do hope we get to see lots of besuited workers downward-dogging. Get in there early if you can as the first 25 will also get a free goody bag. And, breathe…
Thursday 6th September, 12.45pm – 1.15pm; free
East Lawns, Royal Pavilion Gardens, New Road, Brighton BN1 1UG
Photo credit: east side of Royal Pavilion, Brighton Museums