The month of May is one of the best times to be in Brighton & Hove. From international bands jumping out of the back of a van to play a street gig during The Great Escape, to David Shrigley’s carefully curated Brighton Festival programme for 2018, we are spoilt!
When it comes to Brighton Festival, here’s what we’ve got tickets to…
David Shrigley’s illustrated talk
Why? Because the man is a legend. We’re big fans of his simple, but highly comical illustrations. It’s like he’s inside our brain. Join us in the crowd at the Brighton Dome on Wednesday 23rd May from 8.00pm where he will present an illustrated talk about his work. Tickets are just £10.
A love poem to the forest and body
We’re heading to the woods for a little lie-down, where we’ll be experiencing a meditative audio work that creates a self-portrait of the body after death. The programme describes it as “a gentle confrontation with mortality that imagines our body’s return to the earth” and we’re ready for it! Happening on 12th and 13th May.
Robbie Thomson’s Tesla coil
What do you get when you mix a Tesla coil, a visual artist and an afrobeat soundtrack? We can’t wait to find out! The 19th century invention lets us see electricity dance for the first time, so what better combination than a bit of ambient electronica and afrobeat? Visual artist Robbie Thomson has created a masterpiece, where light fuses with sound in a unique sensory phenomenon.
Photo credits: Victor Frankowski (top) and Culture Station (bottom)
4th May – Sunday 3rd June 2018; from £10.