Red and yellow and pink and green, purple and orange and blue… yes, you’ll be singing a rainbow on Saturday if you decide to celebrate Pride with zero-waste experts Silo. They’ll be choosing only the most colourful British ingredients for a special eight-course menu on Saturday 4th August. The special colour bespoke menu will be accompanied by a soundtrack of the very best disco tunes played by their in-house DJ, so you’ll be having a bright and beautiful party of your own.
The eight-course feast costs £45 and there’s an optional drinks flight for £32, if you want the full taste-the-rainbow experience, of course. On the special Pride menu you can expect to see some of Briain’s finest produce, including some Sussex beauties – from Sussex tomatoes and smoked carrots to chewy beetroot and pickled rose, it will be a right rainbow affair.
Saturday 4th August; £45pp; booking advised
Silo, 39 Upper Gardner St, North Laine, Brighton BN1 4AN
Silo, 39 Upper Gardner St, North Laine, Brighton BN1 4AN