This year, fireworks night is on a Tuesday, so lots of the celebrations of the anniversary of Guy Fawkes’ screwing up his gunpowder plot to explode parliament are on the Friday and Saturday, or the week before. You know, to make things more sociable. You’ll find plenty of displays to shake a sparkler at right here (although the Brighton Racecourse display sadly doesn’t seem to be happening any more). Fingers crossed the rain and wind stays away this year!
The Hove one
The annual display at Sussex County Cricket is always a good option for a spectacular display with live music and entertainment to distract from the chill in the air. There are still tickets available for this year’s event, but don’t hang around as, despite the 11,000 capacity (standing and seated), they tend to sell out. You need to buy them in advance, too, they don’t sell tickets on the door. Failing that, find yourself a friend with a flat overlooking the cricket ground.
Saturday 2nd November; gates and pre-show entertainment from 5.30pm for 7.30pm display; under-3s go free but still need a ticket, kids over 3 and under 16 from £10, adults from £15
County Ground, Eaton Rd, Hove BN3 3AN
The one with a free view (of the Hove one)
You’ll have a great view of the cricket ground display from Dyke Road Park Cafe in, you guessed it, Dyke Road Park. They recommend getting there for 6.30pm to grab yourself a spot before the fireworks kick off at 7.30pm. They’ll also be selling food, mulled wine and other warming (and cooling) drinks.
Saturday 2nd November; from 6.30pm; free
Tea Chalet, Dyke Road, Brighton BN3 6EH
The Preston Park one
There is one happening in Preston Park after all, it was just a little late being announced. Either way, we’re glad there’s a display in the beautiful park – let’s just hope the weather doesn’t mean it gets cancelled (like it did in 2022 AND 2023). Coles Funfair are putting on two huge free displays: a low-noise children’s one (perfect if you or your little ones are sensitive to the very loud bangs) at 5.30pm, followed by the main one at 8pm. And, as you’d expect given the name, there will be loads of rides (waltzer, dodgems, giant wheel, ghost train, and more) and plenty of hot food and drink to keep everyone occupied while waiting for the big event. If you’re not a fan of crowds, this might not be the one for you, though, as around 10,000 people typically attend.
Saturday 2nd November; rides open from 2pm, firework displays at 5.30pm and 8pm; free
Preston Park, Preston Road, Brighton BN1 6SD
The other Hove one
Somewhat confusingly, Lancing College prep school is in Hove, not Lancing. Anyway, the school’s parent-teacher association are putting on a banger of a fireworks night with all tickets including a free drink. There are two sessions – an early and late(r) one, so take your pick!
Thursday 7th November; 5pm and 6.15pm; £10 (under 2s are free)
Lancing College Prep School, The Droveway, Hove, BN3 6LU
Get tickets
The Shoreham one
Shoreham’s Harbour Club are hosting a fireworks extravaganza from their social club this year. And the event is open to everyone, not just members. As well as a large display, you’ll find food and drinks from 4pm with a live DJ from 5pm to warm you up for the 7pm show.
Friday 8th November; from 4pm (fireworks at around 7pm; free
The Harbour Club, Harbour Way, Shoreham-by-Sea, BN43 5HG
CANCELLED: The Worthing one
Cancelled due to ongoing closure of the pier. Ok, this one’s also not in Brighton, but it’s only a 20-minute train ride away and this display is always one of the south coast’s best – and it’s free AND on the actual night. The fireworks are launched from the end of the pier (which is closed to everyone else for safety) and you can see the display all along Worthing promenade and beach. There will also be a funfair on the promenade plus plenty of street food stalls. Worthing Lions – who organise it with the town centre – will be collecting for charity, so if you spot a bucket, chuck some change in or donate here. If you’re heading over, make a day of it with the help of our guide to Brighton’s coastal little sis.
Tuesday 5th November; fireworks start at 7pm; free
Worthing Pier, Marine Parade, Worthing BN11 3PX
The Lewes one
The Lewes Bonfire Celebration is the biggest 5th November festival in the world (and possibly the only proper one). As ever, the town is expected to be jam-packed full of locals and visitors for the incredible carnival. There are numerous processions during the celebrations – featuring epic costumes, flaming torches and huge topical tableaux – kicking off around 5pm with the last one dying down about 1am. So there’s plenty to see, not least the incredible firework displays at this year’s six different bonfire society sites throughout the town; these start from 8.30pm to 9.45pm. And it all goes ahead whatever the weather, so wrap up warm!
Be warned, though, that if you haven’t got your tickets sorted for one of the society sites, you won’t get in (tickets for most are available through local pubs and shops and the Tourist Information Centre, more info here, but you can buy passes to the sites of the two oldest societies: Cliffe Bonfire Society and Lewes Borough Bonfire Society online here and here). Many pubs are ticketed entry only too and you can expect it to be absolutely heaving – it’s not for the faint of heart. But don’t worry if you don’t make it this year, you can still watch it unfold from afar on a live stream.
If you do head over ticketless, our top tip is to head up Chapel Hill towards the golf course. It’s a bit of a trek but you’ll have a mighty fine view across the town and a spectacular view of the displays. There’s generally a good atmosphere up there too, plus it’s a lot less hectic and you’re way less likely to encounter flying fireworks. If you’re travelling into Lewes, unless you’re heading in very early (roads in and out close at 4.45pm), you’re better off using public transport (although trains stop at 3pm and buses won’t go all the way into town), or take the scenic route and walk over the Downs. It will take you a couple of hours but it’s a beautiful stroll. Or check out the bike train below. As always, stay safe and bring some cash for the charity boxes.
Tuesday 5th November; parades and fireworks 5.00pm – 1.00am; firework ticket prices vary
Head to Lewes High Street, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 2LU
The Firle one
Just down the road from Lewes, the pretty village of Firle has its own – earlier – bonfire night, with excellent bangers, and food and drink. Like Lewes, it’s a traditional affair, with members processing through the village with flaming torches before lighting the huge bonfire and fireworks. The added bonus is that it’s a lot easier to get into, plus you can buy tickets on the night (advance sales have ended). If you’re going by car, parking (it’s free) will be signposted, with stewards guiding the way as you come off the A27. You won’t be able to park in the village itself, but there is disabled parking near the entry gate if you need it.
Saturday 26th October; procession in the village from 7pm, fireworks at 9pm; £11.10 on the night, under-13s free
Firle Park, Firle, BN8 6NS
The one for cyclists
Fancy making the journey to Lewes as much of an event as the bonfire night itself? Then you need the Bonfire Bike Train. Organised by Brighton Bike Hub, the mass cycle ride happens every year and takes the seven-mile trip from Brighton to Lewes at a gentle pace that’s suitable for all riders. Experienced stewards escort the group and there’s music to keep you motivated if the weather’s a bit miserable. You can either start with the whole group at The Level or join along the way – the troupe are expected to get to Lewes at about 7.15pm and leave to come back at midnight from Lewes Prison. Bike lights are an absolute must!
Tuesday 5th November; meet at 5.30pm for a 6pm departure from The Level (43 Ditchling Road), join at 6.20pm at Moulescoombe Library, 6.30pm at Falmer House at the University of Sussex; return ride from Lewes Prison leaves at midnight and takes about an hour; free
Brighton Bike Train
The smaller one
Over in Patcham, the Brighton Elim church is back with another edition of their family fireworks display in their grounds. They’ll be serving food and hot and cold drinks before and after the display, which kicks off at 6pm. If you’re looking for something a bit smaller, then this might be for you.
Saturday 2nd November; 5pm – 7pm (fireworks at 6pm); free (but book ticket)
Brighton Elim, The Fountain Centre, Patcham, BN1 8HG