Ok, it’s not in Brighton (or Hove), but Lewes is only a quick train ride away and pea-throwing is just too good not to feature.
We love our legumes and the humble pea is a bit of a superstar. It’s tasty, healthy and we are pretty fond of chasing the little green things around a plate with a fork. Plus they’re quite good for lobbing at people should you feel that way inclined.
The Lewes Arms have taken that one step further with their rather wonderful pea-throwing championship that’s taken place annually for over 20 years.
The pub’s no stranger to hosting wacky events – they had a spaniel-racing competition recently – but we reckon this competition, held annually in August, is the jewel in their pea-loving crown.
Frozen-ish peas are supplied and all each contestant needs to do (there are various adults and children’s categories) is wang it down the neighbouring Castle Ditch Lane as hard as they can. The winner is, of course, the one whose pea travels the furthest.
Previous contestants have recommended choosing peas with fewer dents (aerodynamics, obviously) and practising your fast throwing (like in cricket). With the record distance coming in at well over 40 metres, we better get on it!
Sunday 11th August; 2pm (registration between 12.30pm and 1.30pm only); entry from £1
The Lewes Arms, Mount Place, BN7 1YH Lewes, East Sussex