We’re not really into that New Year, New You stuff (we were already brilliant last year, thanks very much), but we could do with some help shifting that January sluggishness. We don’t know if it’s the sight of clusters of sad-looking fir trees awaiting their dismal fate, our pitiful bank balances or just the drizzly weather, but we are TIRED.
But, good news: the Brighton Health and Wellbeing Centre’s Wellbeing Festival is here to sort us out. It’s this weekend and it’s free! Think health-boosters a-plenty, from pilates and yoga classes to talks on how to deal with everything from anxiety to fatigue, as well as taster massage, healing and osteopathy sessions.
You can book your free place here and email bhwc@nhs.net for a place on a taster session. Hurry, though, the events are getting booked up quickly – we’re obviously not the only ones in need of a January pick-me-up!
Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th January; 10.00am – 8.00pm (Saturday), 11.00am – 6.00pm (Sunday); free
18-19 Western Road, Hove, BN3 1AE