If, like us, you reckon shopping centres are a bit scary on a Saturday afternoon, then you’ve seen nothing yet. What if you were stuck in one with a load of rabid zombies? If you’re a bit odd like us, you might think that sounds quite fun, in which case Wicked Experiences’ Zombie Nightmare is probably right up your dark and terrifying alley.
And there’s good news for those who prefer to be scarer rather than scaree as the award-winning events company is looking for a fresh stagger of zombies (we just learnt this collective noun, but feel it’s very appropriate) to terrorise people on a mission to save the world from the zombie apocalypse. Or at least Brighton.
The fully immersive experience takes place in all of the available areas of Churchill shopping centre – think service corridors and dark loading bays as well as the main areas – and as a freshly minted zombie you’ll essentially be responsible for scaring the socks off the strangely willing punters and making them run for their lives!
So how does it work? Twelve survivors have 60 minutes to decode escape room-style clues to discover what happened to the cure that was allegedly found last year. But they’ve also got to make it out alive before the undead get them. And that’s where you come in: it’s your job to make that as difficult as possible!
It’s a voluntary position, so there’s no money in it for you, but for scary movie and Halloween fans, we reckon this could be a (bloody) fun way to spend an evening. Anyone over 16 can apply and there’s no upper age limit. (We’re glad that equal opportunities reached zombie hiring policy).
You can also apply to be a paid actor, playing the role of an ex-military soldier and leading groups of survivors around the site in character. They’re not looking for heaps of experience, either, just confident and quick-thinking types who’ll enjoy interacting with the players.
Potential zombies/soldiers can apply here or for those who’d prefer to scare themselves silly (if you’re of a nervous disposition, it’s probably not for you), tickets are available here.
Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th October, 60-minute time slots from 7.30pm – 10.50pm; tickets £45 plus booking fee
Churchill Square Shopping Centre, Russell Place, Brighton BN1 2RG
A word of warning: Unsurprisingly, the scare-filled experience isn’t suitable for expectant mums, children under 14, those of a nervous disposition or anyone with back or heart conditions or photosensitive epilepsy.