Ilk + Ernie is the brainchild of Brighton based designer Jess McCleave, who has big plans for the sustainable fashion brand. They create high end, comfortable and sustainable clothes (oh, the jumpsuits!) and they want to share the love and see every woman wearing clothes that turn heads and make a positive impact on the environment. We like the sound of that, so we’re supporting their Crowdfunder all the way.
The brand has already received national media acclaim, appearing in some of the big guns from Stylist magazine to Vogue, so they definitely have some fabric fans. Ilk + Ernie’s journey began in India, where Jess’ mission was pretty simple… create ethical garments that would help tackle India’s rising issue with sustainability. Yep, all the fabric used by the brand would otherwise end up in landfills across India, so that’s where her brand of cool and conscious clothing go started.
With a week to go, they are just over £1,000 off their £10,000 target, so how about digging deep into your pockets and supporting a local and sustainable fashion brand that has big ideas?! The £10,000 will go towards producing their SS20 Collection, which includes sourcing sustainable fabric, making the collection, shipping and sustainable packaging, as well as some marketing budget to help make the brand fly by reaching the audience it needs to. Take a look at their video and click on the link below to pledge as little or as much as you can… from a print and playlist to a bespoke SS20 piece, every pound counts!
Pledge your pounds and pennies to support the Ilk + Ernie crowdfunder by 12.00pm on Wednesday 4th December.