We’ve already got some fabulous plastic-free and zero-waste stores in different parts of the city (hello Harriet’s of Hove, Store Brighton and, of course, the original: WasteNot) and an enthusiastic community who are keen to minimise unnecessary packaging, but now there’s another new kid on the block in the city centre to help us do even better.
If we look at the results of a recent Which survey, we can’t have enough of these shops: Brighton accounts for 242 million pieces of single-use plastic used every year, which may be a small percentage of the 59 billion sold in supermarkets nationwide, but is still something we can easily do something about.
So who’s the new arrival? Source Bulk Foods, an Australian brand that already has stores in London’s Chiswick and Battersea, opened at 142 Western Road on 18 November (and will hopefully fare better than the site’s previous short-lived occupants).
Customers can bring their own reusable containers from home or buy glass jars or recyclable brown paper bags in store to stock up on over 450 ingredients, from wholefoods and healthy treats to cooking liquids and household and personal care products. You’ll also be able to pull your own honey (we like the sound of this!) and buy Kombucha on tap.
Opens 18th November, Monday to Friday 9.00am – 8.00pm, Saturday 9.00am to 7.00pm and Sunday 10.00am to 6.00pm
142 Western Road, Brighton BN1 2LA