May madness wouldn’t be complete without an injection of Arts and Culture from a young person’s perspective, which is why we’re chuffed B.Fest is back from this Saturday, 26th May. Now in its sixth year, the week-long festival is run by young people who have curated a packed itinerary of gigs, exhibitions, comedy, skate, drag race, music, performance and more. They’ve been busy!
It’s inspiring to see that the young people of Brighton & Hove continue to lead the only arts festival in the South East that’s dedicated to young people; it’s created by and for them. The festival gives young people in the city the chance to see and make amazing performances, art and events in dedicated creative spaces around Brighton & Hove. If you’re aged 13 to 19 or know someone who is, make sure you get involved in the fun. Here are a few highlights to look forward to…
The Brighton Youth Poetry Slam
As part of the launch party on Friday, 13-19-year-olds will have the chance to take part in an exciting Brighton Youth Poetry Slam at Jubilee Library. Performers will be given three minutes to share their own words in their own performance style, before being judged by five randomly chosen judges who will score them based on the quality of their poetry, the performance and the audience’s response. The slam champion and runner-up will win a paid gig at one of Komedia’s Hammer & Tongue events. And a trophy, of course. Get in front of that mirror!
Friday, 25th May, 7-8pm; 13-19 year-olds can register for free to take part
Register to take part
Get your graffiti on
The B.Fest team are inviting young people (13-19-year-olds) to come down to the Brighton Youth Centre and get creative with some spray paint. With the city being one of the brightest when it comes to the rainbow of street art and graffiti you can find, they are encouraging people to help them do the same at BYC. If you’re new to graffiti, don’t panic, as they’re holding a series of workshops in spray paint techniques so the building can be decorated to reflect the fun that happens inside. Get involved!
Tuesday 29th May, 3.00pm – 6.00pm; 13-19 year-olds can register for a free place
Brighton Youth Centre, 64 Edward St, Brighton BN2 0JR
Register to attend
What would the perfect school look like?
How fun would it be to create the ‘perfect’ school? If you’ve ever daydreamed about what it would look like (as a child or adult!), then you might be interested to hear from local young people, teachers, policymakers, parents and community organisations on what they’ve come up with. They share their thoughts on what education and schools could and should be like with an evening of short-TEDx style talks.
Thursday 31st May, 6.00pm – 8.00pm; free to register for everyone
Brighton Youth Centre, 64 Edward St, Brighton BN2 0JR
Register to attend
B.Fest Film Festival
On Friday, 1st June, Dukes at Komedia will host the third B.fest Film Festival, showing a packed bill of short films from the latest young filmmaking talent. With an afternoon line-up of creative films and animations from young people around the city, what more could you want? There’s free popcorn, too!
Friday 1st June, 3.00pm – 5.00pm; free to register for everyone 13+
Dukes at Komedia, 44-47 Gardner St, Brighton and Hove, Brighton BN1 1UN
Register to attend
Get warmed up for the festival with the B.Fest Flash Mob from 5.30pm this Friday 25th May at Jubilee Square. A group of young people will be ready and waiting to teach anybody to dance. Learn the moves and join them for a performance at the launch party, which is taking place in the Jubilee Library afterwards from 6.30pm – 8.00pm. Everyone’s welcome and it’s a great way to start your bank holiday weekend!
Friday 25th May – Saturday 2nd June 2018
Full B.Fest programme of events